Operational Research in Engineering Sciences:

Journal DOI: https://doi.org/10.31181/oresta190101s

(A Journal of Management and Engineering) ISSN 2620-1607 | ISSN 2620-1747 |

Modified Failure Mode and Effect Analysis Approaching to Improve Organization Performance Based On Baldrige Criteria - A Case Study of an Electro-medic Industry

Sugiri Widjajanto,
Industrial Engineering Department, Universitas Mercu Buana, Jakarta, Indonesia
Erry Rimawan,
Industrial Engineering Department, Universitas Mercu Buana, Jakarta, Indonesia


Full attention is paid to quality in manufacturing; however, less effort is made to develop the organizational performance, which drives overall manufacturing quality. This research measures performance of one manufacturing company that in 2020 experienced surging in demand and experiencing barriers to social activities due to the pandemic. The evaluation was carried out using seven variables from the Malcolm Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence (MBCfPE) which were elaborated into 43 indicators of organizational performance. Weaknesses and strengths of organizational performance were sharpened through focus group discussions with experts and ended with a performance improvement solution with a priority rank based on risk priority numbers (RPN) of the FMEA method. The highest RPN is 567 and 432, respectively, for national standard implementation in a particular product and operational scheme during emergency conditions like the Cov-19 pandemic. This study contributes to Indonesian research that combines questionnaires and FMEA improvement analysis based on the US Baldrige criterion.

Performance Excellence, Baldrige Criteria, MBCfPE, FMEA.

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CiteScore for Management Science and Operations Research

89th percentile
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93rd percentile
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