Operational Research in Engineering Sciences:

Journal DOI: https://doi.org/10.31181/oresta190101s

(A Journal of Management and Engineering) ISSN 2620-1607 | ISSN 2620-1747 |

Designing Success: Unravelling the Impact of Product Service Design on Organizational Processes and Performance

Vimala Venugopal Muthuswamy ,
School of Business, Department of Management, King Faisal University, Saudi Arabia.


The primary objective of this investigation is to elucidate the extant correlation between the design of product services and the breadth of supply chain technology. Additionally, this study scrutinizes the nexus between product service design and process control. In the course of this research, supply chain technology breadth and process control were employed as mediating variables, while decision making served as a moderating variable in the assessment of the interconnections between product service design and the ensuing financial and market outcomes. The empirical data for this study were sourced from 217 individuals representing diverse departments across various organizations in Saudi Arabia. The analysis of the gathered data was conducted utilizing the Analysis of Moment Structures (ADANCO) software, thereby facilitating the achievement of the research objectives. The research establishes a significant correlation between product service design, supply chain technology breadth, and process control. Additionally, it supports hypotheses proposing that the connection between product service design and financial/market outcomes is mediated by supply chain technology breadth and process control. Furthermore, the role of decision making is identified as a moderator in the relationship between product service design, supply chain technology breadth, and process control. This research underscores the strategic influence of product service design on the performance of Saudi organizations, offering valuable insights for enhancing design and operational strategies to foster growth and competitiveness. Furthermore, the study contributes to the expansion of operations and strategic management theories by elsucidating the impact of product service design on organizational processes and performance.

Product Service Design, Supply Chain Technology Breadth, Process Control, Decision Making.

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CiteScore for Management Science and Operations Research

89th percentile
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CiteScore for Engineering (miscellaneous)

93rd percentile
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